As the owner of a carpet, drapery, and/or upholstery cleaning franchise, you’ll likely have several options for revenue. These services are considered part of the overall cleaning industry, accounting for about 10% of this overall market. Many franchises in this industry provide more than one type of service, which can help to increase revenue from a single customer. Explore the carpet, drapery, and upholstery cleaning franchises in our directory to learn more. Read More »
Why Start a Carpet Cleaning Business?
Carpet, drapery, and upholstery cleaning can extend the life of these products while also improving appearance. For allergy sufferers, the benefits are more than cosmetic. Professional cleaning helps remove dust mites and allergens that can cling to fibers and aggravate a wide range of allergies and respiratory conditions. Commercial real estate accounts for the largest segment of this industry, though there is opportunity in both the residential and commercial sector.
Tips For Success
As is the case with so many small businesses, there are two distinct sides to running a carpet cleaning franchise successfully. The first side of the business is sales. After all, you won’t have any jobs to complete without a comprehensive sales plan. Then, you’ll need to deliver outstanding service on the deals you close, so those customers will speak well of you and come back for future services. Here are some tips to help you run a successful carpet and upholstery cleaning business:
Finding the Right Prospects
Given that commercial clients are so important in the success of this type of business, it’s crucial to target those types of accounts with your marketing approach. What can you offer commercial customers that your competitors cannot? You might be able to differentiate yourself with a lower price, faster work (meaning their operations aren’t disrupted for long), or a wider array of services. If you can present a prospective commercial client with something they aren’t getting from their current cleaning company, that might be enough to convince them to switch.
Selling the Right Features
How you position your sales pitch will have a lot to do with how many deals you close. As mentioned above, carpet and upholstery cleaning is about more than good looks—it can also extend the life of materials, make allergy sufferers more comfortable, and more. Make sure your sales pitch touches on all these various benefits, as helping the prospect to see the big picture of what your service delivers will make the value you provide easier to understand.
Valuing Residential Business
You might make your biggest money from commercial accounts but overlooking the value of residential customers could be a mistake. Not only is there money to be made in all those houses around town, but the people who live in those houses also work om the area. If they are impressed with the work your company does, you may get a referral to serve their employer, as well.